Effector 13 Soda Meiser Plus

Effector 13 Soda Meiser Plus

The Effector 13 Soda Meiser is two pedals combined into one massive machine of doom. The Vintage Fuzz Maker smooth and No Fi chaos together give the user a chance to step out into the more experimental realms of sonic chaos.

The VFM smooth is an all-original fuzz design to end all previous clones and copies of great fuzz's past. The Vintage Fuzz Maker takes the classic silicon high gain sound to a whole new level. With the turn of the "Intensity" knob, go from low-sustain creamy distortion to over-the-top disharmonic upper octave chaos. The smooth yellow version of the Vintage Fuzz Maker has a much more classic, heavy blues-driven fuzz sound. It still scrambles very nicely at higher intensities. The disharmonic quality of this fuzz is very mellow, and adds a certain something beautiful to your sound.

The Nofi chaos unequivocally destroys your sound. Not just shake it up a bit... no kind and loving slapping around... not some roller coaster ride that is over with in 30 seconds, and you can't wait to go on it again. No. This is total destruction. No love. No kindness. Just full on madness. The Plus version has the mode switch as a standard stomp switch to make mode switching easier in live performance.

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